Purpose of the Feature
When manuals are saved in a Public Folder, those manuals become accessible to users who are not logged into Teachme Biz.
This feature can be utilized when publishing online manuals for external users.
Available Plans
All plans
Overview of Release Outside
- Release Outside is enabled by saving and publishing manuals in a Public Folder
- Individual manuals are not configurable for Release Outside
- Release Outside manuals are visible to users who are not logged in
- Settings allow restrictions on the publication scope and available actions on manual viewing screens
Appearance of Public Folders and Manuals
The appearance differs from group-shared folder and manuals when not logged in.
Related: Can the display of Public Folders and manuals be customized?
Public Folder View in PC Browser (With Subfolders)
Public Folder View in PC Browser (Without Subfolders)
Release Outside Manual View in PC Browser
- The URL for publication must start with "https://teachme.jp/" and cannot be changed
- Monthly view limits vary by contract plan
- Advanced search is not available when not logged in
- IP address restrictions for Public Folders are available only with specific plans *New subscriptions no longer available
- Teachme Biz Service fee
- Public Folder IP Restriction +
- Access Restriction (3 options set) or Access Restriction (3 options set & SSO)
Are notifications sent when the number of views for publicly released manuals approaches or reaches the limit?
What appears when accessing a manual after reaching the limit of external views?
Steps to Begin Using
Create a Public Folder
Click "Folder released outside" on the folder creation screen.
* The folder type cannot be modified once the folder has been created.
Users who can perform this operation: Group Administrators, Group Sub-administrators
Related: Create folder (Web Browser)
Change the sharing settings of the Public Folder
Click "Release" on the "Release Settings" screen.
* When "Release outside" is set to "Unrelease", the folder will not be shared externally.
Users who can perform this operation: Group Administrators, Group Sub-administrators, Folder Administrators, Folder Sub-administrators
Related: View and update folder settings (Web Browser)
Save Manuals in Public Folder
Save and publish manuals intended for external publication in the created folder.
Create New
The manual creation method is the same as for the Internal Release manual.
Users who can perform this operation: Editors participating in the created folder
Related: Create and edit manual (Web Browser)
Move Existing Manuals to Public Folder
Users who can perform this operation: Editors participating in the folder where the manual currently exists
Related: Change manual folder (Web Browser)
Obtain URLs for Folders and Manuals
Obtain the URLs needed to access Public Folders and manuals.
Public Folder URL
There are separate URLs for logged-in users and non-logged-in users.
Users who can obtain URLs: Any logged-in user
Related: Find public folder URL for sharing (Web Browser)
Release Outside Manual URL
The URL remains the same regardless of login status.
Users who can obtain URLs: All users who can view the manual
Related: Copy manual title and URL with one click (Web Browser)
Verify Release Outside
Browsers logged into Teachme Biz cannot verify publication under the same conditions as external users.
Create a non-logged-in state to verify the publication.
Verification can be performed by logging out of Teachme Biz
- Log out of Teachme Biz in the browser being used
- Close all browser tabs that are accessing Teachme Biz
- Access the Release Outside URL to verify the Public Folder and manuals are viewable
Verify Using Incognito Mode
- Launch the browser in incognito mode
- Access the Release Outside URL to verify the Public Folder and manuals are viewable
If Manuals Cannot Be Viewed Externally
Check the following:
- Whether the manual is published
- Whether the Public Folders "Release outside" setting is set to "Release"
- If any restrictions are configured in the Public Folders publication settings, whether viewing is being attempted under conditions that meet those restrictions
Save, Release, and update manuals (Web Browser)
What should I do if the "Content cannot be displayed as this folder is not released." error was displayed when viewing public manual?
"Access to the target is restricted" is displayed. What should I do?
If the issue persists after checking the above, contact support (support@teachme.jp) with the following information:
- URL of the target Public Folder
- URL of the Release Outside manual
- Screenshot showing the unviewable state
- Viewing conditions (browser type, referrer URL, etc.)
- Date and time of attempted viewing
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can the viewing scope be restricted within the Public Folder?
https://help.teachme.jp/hc/en-us/articles/38853703114137 - Will Release Outside manuals show up on search engine results pages?
https://help.teachme.jp/hc/en-us/articles/900006171486 - The maximum number of Release Outside views has been reached. What should I do?