What URLs and ports should be allowed to access Teachme Biz?

2021-04-06 06:31:28 UTC 2024-10-28 12:02:19 UTC

Please allow the following as a whitelist.

Items that require permission

# Domain Notes
1 teachme.jp  
2 *.teachme.jp The IP addresses for "*.teachme.jp" change periodically, so we cannot provide them to you.
3 teachme-official-video-tokyo.s3.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com Communication permission is not required for networks used only by viewers.

Without communication permission, you may not be able to upload videos.
Also, on mobile apps, an error message will be displayed.
4 teachme-official-report-csv-tokyo.s3.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com Communication permission is not required for networks used only by viewers.

Also, as we use https, please open ports 80 and 443.
*There is no need to open ports for inbound communication. Please open ports only for outbound communication and its responses.

As of the end of September 2024, ".cloudfront.net" has been migrated to "*.teachme.jp". (Details)

Optional items that may require permission

# Domain/Setting Notes
1 *.sentry.io If not allowed, error logs occurring in the web browser version will not be collected, potentially preventing proper investigation when errors occur.

While Teachme Biz can still be used without permission, please consider allowing it for smoother investigation in case of incidents.
2 *.status-teachme.jp If not allowed, you won't be able to view the Teachme Biz Status Page, which provides real-time updates on critical issues and maintenance for Teachme Biz.

Related: Teachme Biz Status Page
3 https://cdn.plyr.io/3.7.3/plyr.svg If not allowed, icons for video playback and playback speed adjustment may not appear in the web browser version.
4 https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js If not allowed, the sidebar in the Teachme Biz Help Center may not be displayed.
5 Enable Cookies If not enabled, you may not be able to log in to Teachme Biz on web browsers or mobile browsers, or view Manuals that have been released outside the company due to access privileges.
6 teachme-official-manual-import-tokyo.s3.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com If not allowed, you won't be able to use the Teachme AI "Generate manual drafts from PDF"(Beta version).
*Please see below for details.

▼Teachme AI 'Generate manual drafts from PDF' released in Beta version! | Released on October 28, 2024