What is the character priority order when sorting manuals by name?

2022-02-01 03:46:39 UTC 2024-12-20 08:37:37 UTC

The character priority order when sorting manuals by name differs depending on the application.

Web Browser and Mobile App

The character priority order is as follows:

  1. Space
  2. Symbols (!#$%&'()*+,-./)
  3. Numbers (0-9)
  4. Symbols (:;<=>?@)
  5. Uppercase Letters (A-Z)
  6. Symbols ([\]^_`)
  7. Lowercase Letters (a-z)
  8. Symbols ({|}~)
  9. Other characters

Windows Desktop App

The character priority order is as follows:

  1. Symbols
  2. Numbers
  3. Letters

Checkpoints when the order is not as expected

  • Check if there are spaces at the beginning of titles
  • Check if different characters with the same appearance but different character codes are being used
    Example: Hyphen (-) U+002D and Minus (−) U+2212