What language does Teachme Biz support?

2021-04-06 06:33:32 UTC 2024-03-05 06:14:23 UTC

Depending on the device you use, Teachme Biz supports Japanese, English, Thai,Chinese and Vietnamese languages.

Web Browser version: Japanese, English, Thai, Vietnamese
Mobile app (iOS/Android): Japanese, English, Thai, Chinese (Simplified/Traditional), Vietnamese
Windows Desktop App: Japanese, English, Thai

Though the Teachme Biz interface(menu and buttons) is available only in the above languages, Malay, Indonesian and other languages can be used in the manual title and description.

*The font type used differs depending on the language.
If you want to confirm that the language is displayed as intended, please switch the Teachme Biz interface into a foreign language first. And then input foreign language to the cover page description.

*In Vietnamese, English is interspersed with some of the notation.

*Please note that we have not tested all languages ​​and character codes. Therefore, characters may be displayed incorrectly depending on the usage environment.


Related: What are the conditions under which characters are counted?