[Ongoing]On the video editing screen of the Android app, the display scene of marking may differ from the actual marking scene. (Last updated: 2022/05/26)

2022-05-25 05:00:36 UTC 2024-12-17 10:43:55 UTC


When videos with markings added to 16 or more scenes are opened in the video editing screen of the Android app, the marking may be displayed differently scene from the actual marking.

Also, after editing a video with markings added to 16 or more scenes in the Android app, the edited content is not saved when "Confirm" is tapped.

Occurrence Time / Status

Occurrence: Version

We will update this article once any update is available.

Impact Range

  • Video Editing Functions

Related: Edit video (Android version)

What should I do if I am affected?

Please try one of the following methods.

  • Edit the video using an application other than the Android app.
  • Reduce the markings to 15 scenes or less, "DONE" the edits, and then edit the video using the Android app.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this issue, please contact us from here.