We had an issue, where during a certain time period, if user re-edits a text markings previously added using the Web Browser video editing function in mobile app, all the markings that have been added to the same part of the video may disappear.
Occurrence Time / Status
Resolved in Version 4.6.5 of the mobile app released on 2022/04/18
If a video to which text was added by marking the video editing function of the Web browser version from around 12:00 on 03/22/2022 to 14:20 on 03/30/2022, and then re-edited using the mobile application prior to Version 4.6.5, the corresponding problem continues to occur.
Impact Range
Video editing function
Add captions, symbols, or frames to video (Web Browser)
Mark the images with arrows, etc. (iOS version)
What should I do if I am affected?
Update mobile apps to the latest version
A fixed version of this bug has been released.
Please update your mobile application to Version 4.6.5 or higher.
If you are unable to update immediately, please perform the following error workaround or recovery operations for each applicable situation.
In case you have not tapped "Confirm" after markings have disappeared
For iOS App
Please try one of the following:
- Tap "Cancel", and re-edit video in any other than mobile app
- Manually add disappeared markings
For Android App
Please try one of the following:
- Follow the steps in the image below to cancel, and then re-edit video in any other than mobile app
- Manually add disappeared markings
In case you have tapped "Confirm" after markings have disappeared, but changes haven't been reflected on the server
Please try one of the following:
- Clear device local data, and re-edit video in any other than mobile app
- Manually add disappeared markings
Clear device local data (iOS version)
Clear device local data (Android version)
In case you have tapped "Confirm" after markings have disappeared, and changes have been reflected on the server
Please try one of the following:
- Manually add disappeared markings, and release or save manual as draft
- Restore manual version before markings disappeared, and re-edit video in any other than mobile app
Save manual as draft (iOS version)
Restore manual from backup (Web Browser)
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this issue, please contact us from here.
Update History
2022/04/12 Android apps added as scope of impact.
2022/04/20 Update to Resolved.