Please be advised that we will be performing system maintenance.
During the maintenance, all services of Teachme Biz will be temporarily unavailable.
Manuals released via the public folder also will not be viewable.
Scheduled Maintenance Time
February 22, 2022 0:00 AM ~ 0:05 AM (JST)
*Time may change depending on the situation.
Affected Services
All Teachme Biz services on all platforms
Operations that require special attention
If you use Teachme Biz right before the maintenance, there is a possibility that the operation will not be completed or will be completed with a delay after the system maintenance is over.
- Operations using CSV upload or download
- Operations related to manual archiving feature
- User invitation
- Editing and publishing manuals
- Task distribution
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us from here.