Thank you for using Teachme Biz mobile apps and mobile browsers.
We are going to change the recommended system environment for mobile devices.
- The recommended OS versions for mobile apps will be changed to iOS 13~15, iPadOS 13~15, Android 7.0~12.
- The recommended OS versions for mobile browsers will be changed to iOS 13~15 and Android 7.0~Android 12.
Target Subscription Plan
All subscription plans
Scheduled Date
December 16, 2021
We will remove Android 6.0 and iOS 12 and add iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 to the recommended system requirements.
March 14, 2020
Previously postponed due to an issue, Android 12 has now been added to the recommended system requirements.
For more details, please refer to the related article.
Related: Notice regarding the release of the Android 12 compatible mobile app
Image of the recommended environment after the change
About changes in system requirements for mobile apps and mobile browser
We regularly revise our recommended system requirements to ensure the best user experience and provide users with new features and updates even faster.
Using mobile apps or mobile browsers in an environment that does not meet new recommended system requirements does not immediately restrict all functions. However, some functions may be limited in the Teachme Biz version released on or after December 16, 2021. Any inquiries regarding usability or malfunctions can not be supported.
Related: Teachme Biz - System Requirements
What should I do?
Please consider upgrading your device’s OS version ahead of time.
From February 2022, it will no longer be possible to install a mobile app on devices running iOS12 or Android 5.0~6.0.
We do not plan to restrict the launching and operating of apps already installed on devices that do not meet new recommended system requirements. However, please be advised that we cannot guarantee or provide support for operating in an unsupported environment.
We will continue working on improving our product quality and providing services that meet our customer’s needs.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us from here.
Update History
2022/03/14 Updated release date and article content about inclusion of Android 12 to the recommended system environment.