Discontinuation of management functions in mobile apps | Released on December 6, 2021

2021-08-31 09:04:13 UTC 2024-10-03 08:47:08 UTC

Thank you for using Teachme Biz.

To bring new and improved features to our users more quickly, we have decided to discontinue the management functions available in Teachme Biz mobile (iOS/Android) apps by the end of 2021.


The following functions from the "Settings" screen will be discontinued on mobile apps:

① User management functions
② Folder management functions
③ Privileges management functions
④ Device management functions

Functions that will be discontinued, screen details

① User management functions

Following are the functions that are available from the "User Management" screen:

  • Updating group sub-administrator
  • Adding users (members, guests) to the group
  • Deleting users (members, guests) from the group
  • Temporarily suspending and reactivating user (member, guest) accounts

*Screen image of the functions that will be discontinued/removed

Assign group sub-administrator (iOS) / (Android) / (Web Browser)
Delete user from group (iOS) / (Android) / (Web Browser)
Temporarily suspend and reactivate user account (iOS) / (Android) / (Web Browser)

② Folder management functions

Following are the functions that are available from the "Folder Management" screen:

  • Adding new folder
  • Updating folder information

*Screen image of the functions that will be discontinued/removed

Add folder  (iOS) / (Android) / (Web Browser)
Delete folder (iOS) / (Android) / (Web Browser)
Update folder information (iOS) / (Android) / (Web Browser)
Find public folder URL for sharing (iOS) / (Android) / (Web Browser)
Manage public folder settings (iOS) / (Web Browser) *Not available on Android

③ Privileges management functions

Following are the functions that are available from the "Privileges Management" screen:

  • Updating folder administrator
  • Updating folder sub-administrator
  • Adding users (members, guests) to a folder
  • Removing users (members, guests) from a folder

*Screen image of the functions that will be discontinued/removed

Change folder administrator (iOS) / (Android) / (Web Browser)
Add users to a folder (iOS) / (Android) / (Web Browser)
Remove users from a folder (iOS) / (Android) / (Web Browser)

④ Device management functions

  • Viewing user's device list, deleting, suspending, and reactivating users devices

*Screen image of the functions that will be discontinued/removed

Delete user's device or temporarily suspend access from it (iOS) / (Android) / (Web Browser)

Discontinuation Date

December 6, 202

Target Subscription Plan

  • All subscription plans

Target App

  •  iOS app
  • Android app

    *You can continue using the discontinued functions from the Web Browser version.


Reasons behind the discontinuation of management functions

1. To speed up the improvement of user experience in mobile apps used on sites or in stores where manual viewers play a central role

"To improve the user experience of manual viewers working on sites and in stores" is a top priority for mobile apps, and we will be gradually updating mobile apps until the summer of 2022.
As the first step of this long-term project aiming to improve user experience, we already released a renewed version of mobile app with the newly established home screen on June 21, 2021.

The various management functions to be discontinued this time do not contribute to the above-mentioned task, and their usage rate from mobile apps is also low.
Therefore, in order to focus more on the functions development and improvement for manual viewers, we have decided to discontinue providing management functions in mobile apps.

2. To further strengthen management functions

We have received many requests, especially from customers who have a large number of registered users, to improve the functionality and usability of user management functions.
By consolidating various management functions, including user management functions, into a Web browser version of Teachme Biz, we will further speed up function enhancement and quality improvement.

Anything to prepare in advance?

All functions removed from mobile apps remain available in the Web Browser version.

Related: Teachme Biz login page

*For information on using the Web Browser version of related functions, please refer to the related links in "Discontinued functions, screen details" of this article.

If you need time before switching management-related operations from mobile apps to the Web Browser version of Teachme Biz, please refer to "FAQ" below and consider not updating your mobile app until you are ready.


  Question Answer
1 What happens if I don't update the app and use management functions from the older version of the mobile app? You can continue to use the management functions available in previous versions of Teachme Biz apps.
However, to reflect functional improvements and bug fixes, you need to update the app.
2 I already have the Teachme Biz app installed. Do I need to re-install it to reflect the changes? No, you don't need to re-install the app. Just update the app as you usually do to reflect changes.
3 Can I downgrade to the previous version after upgrading the app once? No, you cannot downgrade to an earlier version.
4 Will the application be updated automatically?

Teachme Biz won't force you to update your app. Please update the app yourself as you usually do.

*Note that if you have set in your device settings Teachme Biz app to update automatically, the app will be updated automatically.

We will continue working on improving our product quality and provide services that meet our customer's needs.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us from here.

Related links

Mobile app to undergo a makeover | Released on June 21, 2021

Update history

・2021/11/19 Updated release date.