2021/08/11 [Resolved] When using the mobile app (iOS version) under certain conditions, users are getting forcibly logged out and unable to use the app

2021-08-11 06:23:27 UTC 2024-12-17 10:43:55 UTC


When using the Teachme Biz Mobile app (iOS version) under certain conditions, users were getting forcibly logged out and unable to use the app.

Examples of app behavior resulting from this issue

  • The login screen appears each time you open the app from the background
  • Nothing happens when you tap "Save draft" or "Publish"
  • When you try to synchronize with the server, the refresh icon is spinning continuously, but nothing happens
  • Adding manuals to bookmarks and bookmark synchronization cannot be completed
  • Adding "Good Job!" and synchronization cannot be completed
  • Posting comments cannot be completed

Occurrence Time / Status

The issue occurred on mobile app version 4.0.0 or later, released on June 21, 2021.
The fix for this issue has been released. Please update app to the latest 4.1.2 version.

Related: ‎Teachme Biz on the App Store

Occurrence Conditions

We have confirmed that the issue occurs when an app is opened or operated when all of the following conditions are met:

  • Mobile app version 4.0.0~4.1.1
  • Teachme Biz prompts user to log in again due to session expiration, password change, etc.
  • The account name was entered incorrectly when trying to re-login, and logging in failed one or more times

*It doesn't matter which app version you use when you fail to log in again.

What should I do if I was affected?

A fix for this issue has been released.
Please update the app to the latest 4.1.2 version.
Once the app is updated, log in with the same account from the re-login screen. Then you will be able to "Save as draft" and "Publish" manuals that failed to save to the server before.

If it is difficult to update the app immediately, please try the workaround in the next section.


Follow below steps to log out from the app and log in again:

▼Log in / Log out (iOS version)

By logging out from the app, the issue will be temporarily resolved until all the conditions are met again.
Note that all the manual data that has not been saved as a draft or published will be deleted when you log out.
Before logging out, please consider taking notes of what you have created or edited.

Reinstall the app

By reinstalling the app, the issue will be temporarily resolved until all the conditions are met again.

*If you are using device restriction function, the device ID will change once you reinstall the app. In this case, you need to obtain a new device ID and edit device restriction settings.

▼Locate your device ID (iOS version)
▼Register device ID (Web Browser)


We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this issue, please contact us from here.

Update History

2021/08/19 Changed issue status to "Resolved" and updated content.