Changes Were Made to Initial Password Setting Specifications | Released on November 5, 2024

2024-08-27 05:43:47 UTC 2024-11-06 03:02:43 UTC

Thank you for always using Teachme Biz.
As stated in the title, we partially changed the specifications for initial password settings.


  • We partially changed the specifications for initial password settings

Release Date

November 5, 2024

Applicable Plans

All plans

Compatible Applications

Web browser version
Mobile browser version


About Initial Passwords

The initial password is a temporary password automatically issued by Teachme Biz for the first login or when resetting the password.
They are used in the following cases:

  • When a new user invited to a group logs in for the first time
  • When an existing user whose password has been reset by an administrator logs in for the first time after the reset

The initial password will be sent in the following email.

  • When invited to a group: [Teachme Biz]Welcome to Teachme Biz!
  • When an administrator resets the password: [Teachme Biz] *IMPORTANT* Login password for group "[Group Display name]" changed.

Related:Log in to a group (Web application)

Specification Change Details

As part of our security enhancement measures, changing the initial password became mandatory.
This change meant that continued use of the initial password would no longer be possible.


Application of the New Specifications

Cases where the new specifications will apply

  • When new users log in for the first time after this release
  • When existing users log in for the first time after having their password reset by an administrator after this release

Cases where the new specifications will not apply

  • When using an initial password issued before this release
  Question Answer

When creating users using CSV, if an administrator sets a password, is changing the password mandatory?

▼Add multiple users at once using CSV file (Web Browser)

Passwords set by administrators are not affected.

This change only applies to initial passwords automatically issued by Teachme Biz.


If I reissue my password through "Forgot Password" and set a new password myself, is changing the password mandatory?

▼Reset password (Web Browser)

Passwords that you set yourself are not affected.

This change only applies to initial passwords automatically issued by Teachme Biz.


If I set a new password myself, is changing the password mandatory?

▼Change password (Web browser)

Passwords that you set yourself are not affected.

This change only applies to initial passwords automatically issued by Teachme Biz.

4 After the release, can I continue to use the initial password I'm currently using?

Initial passwords that were issued prior to this release and are already being used to log in can continue to be used after this release.

This change will apply to initial passwords used to log in for the first time after the release date.


Is there any impact if logging in through Single Sign-On(SSO)?

▼About single sign-on (SSO) function

There is no impact for SSO login users.

Starting from the release date, users who log in with their account name (email address) and initial password instead of SSO will need to change their password upon first login.

Update History

2024/11/5 Entirely updated with the release of the function.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us from here.