An issue that when a manual publish notification is sent to "All users that can edit this manual", the group administrator and sub-administrator may not be notified.
Occurrence Time / Status
2023/07/01~2023/07/04 18:13 (JST)
The issue has been resolved.
Occurrence Conditions
- The group administrator or sub-administrator joins the folder as a viewer by teams after 7/1.
*If the team or folder settings have not been changed since 7/1, this does not apply. - The group administrator or sub-administrator joins the folder by teams only.
*If they also join the folder as an individual, this does not apply. - Specify "All users who can edit this manual" as the recipient of the manual publish notification.
Impact Range
・Manual publishing and update notification function
Related Articles: Notify users about manual release or update (Web Browser)
What should I do if I am affected?
Please communicate separately to the group administrator or sub-administrator, as necessary, the content of the notification during the problem.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this issue, please contact us from here.