[Resolved]An issue that may cause steps to be added unintentionally in the manual editing screen of the iOS app. (Last updated: 2023/06/13)

2023-06-13 02:24:05 UTC 2024-12-17 10:43:55 UTC


In the manual editing screen, a step in a draft manual in the same folder that was open immediately before was duplicated and added to the currently open draft manual.

How it happens

  1. From the "Folder" tab, open a folder that contains two or more draft manuals.
  2. Open the editing screen of the draft manual (A) that has at least one step.
  3. Close the editing screen of the manual (A).
  4. Open the editing screen of another draft manual (B) in the same folder.
  5. The steps of manual (A) are added to manual (B).

*After the event, you can "Edit" or "Publish" the manual (B).
 However, if no edits are made, "Save Draft" will fail, although a success message will be displayed.
*The steps in Manual (B) may be added in an order that mixes them with the steps in Manual (A).

Occurrence Time / Status

Occurrence: iOS app Version 5.4.0 (released on 2023/05/23)
Resolution: iOS app Version 5.6.0 (released on 2023/06/13)

Impact Range

Manual editing function


Please update the application to Version 5.6.0 or later, as a corrected version of the bug has been released.

If it is difficult to update immediately, after editing a draft manual, please return to the folder list screen before opening the editing screen for another draft manual in the same folder.

What should I do if I am affected?

We had not been able to identify and recover the manuals and steps affected by the outage.

If you have published the manual or edited and saved the draft since the event occurred

Please re-edit the manual and delete unnecessary steps.

Related: Create and edit manual (iOS version)

If neither "Publish Manual" nor "Edit and Save Draft" has been performed since the event occurred

Please clear the data in the application and restore the data on the editing screen to the latest server data.
*Data that is being edited by intend but not yet saved to the server will also be deleted. Please be careful.

Related:Clear device local data (Mobile app)


We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this issue, please contact us from here.