Notice regarding changes in user specifications | July 1, 2023

2023-04-25 10:28:50 UTC 2024-10-03 08:47:08 UTC

Thank you for using Teachme Biz.
We would like to inform you that the user specifications had been changed effective July 1, 2023.


  • "Member" and "Guest" were merged into "General user" on July 1, 2023.
  • The availability of manual viewing is determined by "whether you join the folder", same as past.
  • The availability of manual creation and editing changes as determined by " how you join the folder".
  • Settings were automatically migrated to prevent users from being unable to view or edit manuals due to specification changes.
  • Automatic setting migration may have resulted in more "Team".


July 1, 2023


Outline of specification change

Merged "Member" and "Guest" into "General user".

In the past, the number of "Member" and "Guest" users that could be registered was limited by the contract.

From July 1, 2023, to allow more people to participate in manual creation, this was merged into "General user" and you were able to choose whether to participate as "Viewer" or "Editor" for each folder.

The availability of manual creation and editing changes as determined by " how you join the folder".

In the past, "Member" could create new manuals in a folder they had joined, but they had to become "co-editor" in order to edit existing manuals.

From July 1, 2023, to make it easier for more people to get involved in updating manuals, you were able to edit all the manuals in a folder you had joined if you had joined the folder as an "Editor".

Automatic setting migration

Settings were automatically migrated to prevent users from being unable to view or edit manuals due to specification changes.

Also, if there was a "Team" that was a mixture of "Member" and "Guest", the existing "Team" was left as it was and a new "Team" was created that contained only the old "Member".

  Existing team: Joined the folder as a "Viewer".
  Automatically created "Team": From the existing "Team", only the former "Member" was included, and they joined the folder as "Editor".

*The name of the automatically created "Team" is "existing team name" + "_Editor".

Service interruptions due to maintenance

Maintenance was scheduled to be performed on July 1, 2023, which included a service interruption.

  Notice of temporary unavailability of service due to system maintenance | Scheduled on 2023/07/01
  Set up to receive email notifications on the Status page

What should I do before July 1, 2023?

Teachme Biz is unavailable during maintenance, so please inform your organization.

See below for changes to screens and operations based on changing user specifications.

  Related:Notification of specification changes around July 1, 2023

What should I do after July 1, 2023?

Please take the following actions if necessary.

  • Rename automatically created "Team"
  • Delete unnecessary "Team"

You can easily find them by searching for the Team name with "_Editor".

  Related: Manage user teams (Web Browser)

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us from here.

Update History

2023/06/06 Added links to two articles (summary of specification changes, maintenance).
                    "Member" and "Guest" have been merged and named "Member", but renamed "General user".
2023/07/01 Changed wording in article to released