New release of the "auto-translation" function ! Manuals can be translated into up to sixteen languages. | Released on April 10, 2023

2023-03-06 02:32:20 UTC 2024-10-03 08:47:08 UTC

Thank you for using Teachme Biz.
We are pleased to announce the "auto-translation" function, which has been requested by many of our customers.



  • The manuals created can be translated into the language of the viewer's choice.
  • The target language can be set from among sixteen languages for each group.

Release date

Released on April 10, 2023

Target Subscription Plan

This function is available for all plans with an additional subscription to the paid option "Auto-Translation+".

Target App

Web Browser
Mobile App(iOS/Android Version 5.3.0)


Reasons behind the release

In recent years, with the globalization of companies and inbound employment, there has been an increasing demand for manuals in multiple languages for use at overseas locations and for expatriate employees.

Some customers have expressed that creating manuals for each language or writing multiple languages in a single manual requires a large amount of man-hours to create and update.

Advantages of using this function

  • When you create a manual in one language, your viewers can view the manual in the language of their choice.
  • People who speak different languages can communicate using the manual as a starting point.

It is effective for an efficient training of foreign workers, allowing them to expand their field of activity.

Supported Languages

You can set the displayed language for each group from sixteen languages that are widely used around the world.

Image of the setup screen


An image of the screen during translation

Web Browser


Mobile App



  • If you want to set the system menu in a foreign language, you will need to do the language setting on your device and browser.

  • The following sections are not subject to translation.

    Text marking of images and videos
    Subtitles for videos
    PDF output of manuals

  • Translation is not possible while offline.

The scope of translation at the time of release on April 10


Web Browser

Mobile App

Group-shared Manuals

Training Function Screen

Task Function Screen


* The translation of the Task Name and Description will be released around May-June 2023, followed by the Task List, which will be released around summer 2023.

Plans for future feature additions

We plan to release an additional "translation dictionary function" (scheduled for summer 2023).
This function allows users to specify the translation result for each word to prevent unintended translation.

Example of Industry Terminology

マネキン販売 → Sales Demonstration
The direct translation of this Japanese word would be “Mannequin sale”, which does not properly describe the action of selling while explaining the product.

Example of Product Name

唐揚げ → Karaage
The direct translation of this Japanese word would be “Fried Chicken”, which the meaning is quite wide and may not convey exactly for this typical type of “Karaage Fried Chicken”.

Example of Words with multiple meanings

Bat = animal, sport equipment used in baseball
Second = a measurement of time, a placement of something after the first

Inquiries and Quotation request

Please contact customer support to request a Quotation if you are considering adding the "Auto-Translation+" option.

If you have any requests, questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us from here.

Update History

2023/4/10 Entirely updated with the release of the function.