Thank you for using Teachme Biz.
We would like to announce a release that the manual owner’s name can also be displayed to Guests (viewing account).
- Guests (viewing account) can also see the manual owner's name.
- Guests cannot click on the manual owner's name and cannot see detailed information like members can.
- Please read the "Customer preparation" section of this article and take the necessary steps in advance.
Release Date
- Web Browser
Released on October 26, 2022 - Mobile App(iOS/Android)
Released on October 17, 2022
Target Subscription Plan
All subscription plans
Target App
- Web Browser
*Internet Explorer 11 will not display manual owner's name to guests same as now.
Please use the Recommended System Requirements.
Related:Teachme Biz - System Requirements - iOS App (version 5.0.0 or higher)
- Android App (version 5.0.0 or higher)
Background of displaying manual owner's name on guests
Assuming the case where guests are issued for outside the company, the manual owner is not displayed in guests for the purpose of information protection.
However, in recent years, Teachme Biz users tend to create fewer guest accounts for external use, and most of them are created for internal use.
In this situation, the problem arises that the manual owner is not displayed in guests, making it difficult to know who to contact for inquiries or to request modifications.
This release was made to solve the above-mentioned problem.
The manual owner's name displayed in the following locations are displayed to guests as well as members.
*Guests cannot click on the manual owner's name and cannot see detailed information like members can.
◯ : Where the manual owner's name is displayed to guests as well.
- : No manual owner's name indicated location.
Web Browser |
iOS App/Android App |
Manual lists screen |
◯ |
- |
Manual viewing screen |
◯ |
◯ |
Exported pdf |
◯ |
- |
Manual lists screen *Web browser
Manual viewing screen *Web browser
Exported pdf *Web browser
Customer preparation
If you have any of the following concerns, please consider in advance the necessary actions you will need to take in your company prior to release.
Current manual owner settings or owner's name is not appropriate
Please change to the appropriate owner in advance or change to a display name or icon that is acceptable for guests to see.
Related: Transfer manual ownership (Web Browser)
Related: Update multiple users account info at once using CSV file (Web Browser)
If you do not want the manual owner to receive inquiries from guests
We request that your contact information be clearly indicated on the cover page of the manual.
Related: Create and edit manual (Web Browser)
If you do not want to display the manual owner of the manual owner in guests for any other reason
Please review your operations by deleting unnecessary guests, minimizing the number of folders that can be viewed by guests, etc.
Related: Delete user from group (Web Browser)
Related: Delete multiple users at once using CSV file (Web Browser)
Related: Add or remove users from folder (Web Browser)
Web Browser
Question |
Answer |
1 |
Is it possible to hide the manual owner information to guests as before? |
No. After the release, the manual owner will automatically be displayed for guests. |
2 |
Will guests be able to see the manual owner in Internet Explorer 11 in the future? |
No. |
iOS App/Android App
Question |
Answer |
1 |
When the renewal version is released, will the application be updated automatically? |
Teachme Biz won't force you to update your app. Please update yourself as usual. *If you have set the Teachme Biz app to update automatically in your device settings, the app will be automatically updated. |
2 |
Can I revert back to the previous version after updating? |
You can't revert back to the previous version after updating. |
Update History
2022/10/17 Updated with the release of the iOS and Android applications.
2022/10/26 Updated with the release of the Web browser.
If you have any requests, questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us from here.