What kind of limitations are there for images and video?

2021-04-06 06:31:37 UTC 2024-12-03 06:01:16 UTC


  Limitations, Restrictions

Image upload

Total Number (per group) No limit
Total Size (per group) No limit
Size (per cover/step) Max 20MB
Size (per icon) Max 5MB
File Type png, jpg, HEIC *

* HEIC format images can only be uploaded from iOS apps.


      Limitations, Restrictions

All Apps

Basic Total Number (per group) Max 1,000 *1
Total Size (per group) No limit
Size (per video file) Max 4GB
Number of markings and subtitles (per video file) Please refer to the following for details:
▼How many marking scenes and subtitle tracks can I add per video?

Web Browser

(per video file)
While uploading 20 min
While editing 20 min
When extracting from video (source) Max 2GB
When extracting from video (outcome) 20 min
File Type  *3,4,5 When uploading mp4, mov, m4v, qt, avi
When extracting from video mp4, mov, m4v, qt

Teachme AI

(video file) *2
When generating semi-automatically with Video pro (source) Max 2GB
File Type  *3,4,5 When using with Video Pro (source) mp4, mov, m4v, qt

Editor Plugin

(per video file)
When capturing screen 10 min
When extracting from video (outcome) 10 min

Windows Desktop App

(per video file)
When uploading 20 min
When editing 10 min
When extracting from video (source) No Limit *6
When extracting from video (outcome) 10 min
When capturing screen 10 min
File Type *3,4,5 When uploading mp4, mov, m4v, qt, avi
When extracting from video mp4, mov, m4v, avi, wmv

iOS App

(per video file)
When uploading 10 min
When editing 10 min
When extracting from video (source) No Limit *6
When extracting from video (outcome) 10 min
File Type *3,4 When uploading and extracting from video mp4, mov, m4v

Android App

(per video file)
When uploading 10 min
When editing 10 min
When extracting from video (source) No Limit *6
When extracting from video (outcome) 10 min
File Type *3,4 When uploading and extracting from video mp4, 3gp


*1 Videos in archived manuals and those registered in the clipboard are also counted towards the total.
If you want to upload more than 1,000 videos, you can increase the limit by signing up for an
additional subscription option, "Movie Plus".

Please refer to the manual below on how to check your usage status:
▼View contract details and usage status (Web Browser)

If you subscribe to Teachme AI's Video Pro plan, you can upload unlimited video.

▼What is Teachme AI?

*2 For videos with a large amount of conversation, errors may occur even if the video meets this restriction.
Please delete unnecessary parts or split the video into segments of about 10-20 minutes.

▼The generation by Teachme AI is not working well. What should I do?

*3 You cannot upload an audio-only file, even if the file type (extension) is supported.
The file must be a video file that contains pictures (images, videos, animations).

*4 Videos with the "AV1" codec cannot be registered on any device.

*5 Video encoded in H.263 and HDR format cannot be uploaded by PC.

*6 When extracting from video, a warning message displayed if the source video exceeds 20 minutes.

  • Even if the above requirements are met, you may not be able to upload video depending on methods used for uploading and editing them.
    When preparing numerous or paid images, videos, etc., please create a sample video in advance to confirm that you can register and edit as intended.
  • Depending on the length and size of the video and your usage environment, it may take a long time to process the video. If the process is delayed, consider canceling the process, and reducing the length of the original video.

▼Teachme Biz - System Requirements