How to address situations where manuals generated by 'Teachme AI' Text Pro don't align with intended purposes or uses.

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Table of Contents

Purpose of this Knowledge

If you feel that a manual output by "Teachme AI" Text Pro "doesn't seem to convey to the reader" or "doesn't seem to achieve the manual's purpose," it may be possible to resolve this by adjusting the conditions and usage.

This page explains how to create manuals that are easier to tailor to your purpose and usage.

Key Points for Producing Manuals that Fit the Purpose and Usage

Tips for Inputting the Task Name ("What kind of manual will you create?")

In the "What kind of manual will you create?" field, it's important to specify the keywords for the manual you want to create as concretely as possible.

Examples of Varying Text Specificity (More Specific Examples are Preferable)

  • "Safety Check Procedure"
  • "Safety Check Procedure for Warehouse Operations"
  • "Safety Check Procedure for Warehouse Operations in Logistics Industry"
  • "Safety Check Procedure for Forklift Use in Warehouse Operations in Logistics Industry"
  • "Safety Check Procedure for Using Komatsu FB20-12 Forklift in Warehouse Operations in Logistics Industry"

Below are specific input examples for other cases.

When Including the Name of the Target Tool

△ "Business Trip Application Procedure"
○ "Business Trip Application Procedure using Kintone"

When Conveying Specific Methods or Levels

△ "Hand Disinfection Procedure"
○ "HACCP-compliant Hand Disinfection Procedure"

Tips for Inputting Manual Conditions ("Do you have any requests regarding the content and expression?")

In the "Do you have any requests regarding the content and expression?" field, entering conditions such as "for whom (viewer)", "for what purpose", and "how (writing style or constraints)" can help generate manuals that are more aligned with your intentions.

  • For whom → Specifies the target audience Example) Staff of Myanmar nationality, new part-time staff
  • For what purpose → States the purpose of the manual Example) To enable working alone, to reduce mistakes
  • How → Specifies the writing style or expression method of the manual Example) In simple Japanese, in bullet points

By providing this information, AI can more accurately understand the user's intentions and generate drafts suitable for the purpose.
If you decide on a format for the conditions, you can mass-produce drafts with the same structure just by changing the task name or target.


Sample Output Changes When Conditions are Modified

Task for Manual Creation and Basic Conditions

We will generate a draft for the task "How to duplicate a manual in Teachme Biz" with the following conditions:

Intended viewers: New employees
Tone: Polite
Number of steps: Within 10 steps
Purpose: To enable the viewer to perform the task alone without confusion

The URL for Teachme Biz is as follows:

The operation method is described in the Teachme Biz Help Center.

As images will be added to each step, please always include in parentheses what kind of image should be added
If arrows or highlights in the image would be effective, please also describe how to draw them.

* Even if you input the same content, the output result may change.

For IT Department

By changing the intended reader and tone, it becomes easier to output a manual with concise text and simpler image suggestions.
Note that in the following samples, only the "intended viewers" and "tone" are changed, while all other conditions remain the same.

Intended viewers: IT department members
Tone: Concise
Number of steps: Within 10 steps
Purpose: To enable the viewer to perform the task alone without confusion

The URL for Teachme Biz is as follows:

The operation method is described in the Teachme Biz Help Center.

As images will be added to each step, please always include in parentheses what kind of image should be added
If arrows or highlights in the image would be effective, please also describe how to draw them.

For Executives Who Are Not IT-Savvy

When assuming readers who are not comfortable with IT, both explanations and images are adjusted to be more detailed.

Intended viewers: Company executives in their 60s who are not IT-savvy
Tone: Concise
Number of steps: Within 10 steps
Purpose: To enable the viewer to perform the task alone without confusion

The URL for Teachme Biz is as follows:

The operation method is described in the Teachme Biz Help Center.

As images will be added to each step, please always include in parentheses what kind of image should be added
If arrows or highlights in the image would be effective, please also describe how to draw them.

For Vietnamese Staff (Including Native Language)

It's also possible to create a manual for Vietnamese staff with their native language included.
Please note that we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the translations, so please verify them.

Intended viewers: Vietnamese nationals working in a factory who have been in Japan for less than a year
Tone: Polite. Include native language alongside task explanations
Number of steps: Within 10 steps
Purpose: To enable the viewer to perform the task alone without confusion

The URL for Teachme Biz is as follows:

The operation method is described in the Teachme Biz Help Center.

As images will be added to each step, please always include in parentheses what kind of image should be added
If arrows or highlights in the image would be effective, please also describe how to draw them.

For Easy Multi-Language Translation

It's also possible to instruct the creation of content with expressions that are easy to translate, assuming multi-language translation.

Intended viewers: Translation software
Tone: Concise. Use expressions that are easy to understand and unlikely to change meaning when translated
Number of steps: Within 10 steps
Purpose: To enable the viewer to perform the task alone without confusion

The URL for Teachme Biz is as follows:

The operation method is described in the Teachme Biz Help Center.

As images will be added to each step, please always include in parentheses what kind of image should be added
If arrows or highlights in the image would be effective, please also describe how to draw them.

If the Above Methods Don't Solve the Issue

There may be other solutions that can resolve the issue.
Please try the method that best matches your requirements and output results from the following page.

▼ Summary of solutions for when 'Teachme AI' Text Pro fails to generate drafts effectively.