How are Teachme Biz Manual URLs Structured?

2021-04-06 06:31:32 UTC 2025-01-24 07:18:52 UTC

Basic URL Structure

Manuals created in Teachme Biz are automatically assigned individual URLs.
These URLs cannot be modified.

Manual URLs consist of the following information:

  • X: Group number (number of digits varies by group)
  • Y: Individual number identifying the manual
    * This does not change based on the release status of the containing folder.
    * This does not change when moving between folders or sub-folders.
    * This is uniquely assigned across all Teachme Biz groups. Cannot be set to desired numbers or sequential numbers within your group.
    * The YYYY number will not be reused even if a manual is deleted.

When implementing transition permissions from external sites to Teachme Biz, please check the URL structure above and consider using wildcards "*" according to the scope of permissions.

Exception URL Structures

Manual URL When Accessed from Training Course

When accessing through a training course assigned to you, manual URLs consist of the following information:

  • A: Individual number identifying the assigned training course
    * Numbers differ per assignee even for the same training course.

This URL is accessible only by the assigned trainee.
To share manuals with other users, click "Copy Title and URL" to get the manual URL.

Manual URL When Accessed from Task

When accessed through an assigned task, manual URLs consist of the following information:

  • B: Individual number identifying the assigned task
    * Numbers differ for each user even for the same task.

This URL is accessible only by the assigned user.
To share manuals with other users, access the manual without going through the task to check the basic URL structure.

Manual URL in Edit Screen

The URL for manual editing screens consists of the following information:

Only manual editors can access and edit manuals through this URL.

Manual URL When Previewing

When previewing from the manual editing screen, manual URLs consist of the following information:

Only manual editors can access and view manuals (preview screen) through this URL.

Manual URL for Approval Screen

In approval workflow, manual URLs for approving manuals that have been submitted consist of the following information:

Only users who can approve manuals* can access this URL.

* Users who can approve manuals are as follows:

  • Approvers
  • Folder administrators and sub-administrators of folders with approval workflow enabled
  • Group administrators and sub-administrators who participate in folders with approval workflow enabled