How to handle insufficient information in manuals generated by 'Teachme AI' Text Pro.

2024-09-04 06:55:06 UTC 2024-10-08 02:18:22 UTC
Table of Contents

Purpose of this Knowledge

If you feel that the manual output by "Teachme AI" Text Pro "lacks information," "is too vague," or "needs more steps," it's possible that you're not providing enough information to the AI.

This page explains how to increase the amount of information in the output manual and make it more specific.

Key Points to Increase Manual Information

Use Proper Nouns

Using proper nouns such as equipment names, system names, manufacturer names, or place names, rather than general terms, tends to result in more accurate information output.

Example: Include manufacturer and model names

△ "Procedure for operating a forklift"
○ "Procedure for operating Toyota's 'gene B' forklift"

Example: Include the target system name

△ "Procedure for expense claims"
○ "Procedure for expense claims using Concur"

Example: Garbage disposal

△ "How to dispose of garbage"
○ "How to dispose of garbage in Fukuoka City"

Even if you don't use the exact name (e.g., "Toyota" instead of the official name "Toyota Industries Corporation"), including a noun that specifies the information helps the AI gather more specific content by inferring the context.

By inputting proper nouns, the AI can more easily collect appropriate information, resulting in manuals that contain more of the desired information.

※ The company names, product names, and corporate names mentioned on this page are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

Include Specific Requirements if Any

If you have specific requirements, stating them as clearly as possible will help ensure that the information meeting those requirements is included.

Convey the Level of Requirements

△ "Hand disinfection procedure"
○ "HACCP-compliant hand disinfection procedure"

Add Steps or Procedures You Want to Include

  • "For steps where mistakes are likely to occur, clearly state the points to be careful about"
  • "After confirmation, include the step of filling out the checklist"
  • "In the last step, instruct to contact the IT department if anything is unclear after reading the manual"
  • "After cooking, disinfect the knife with alcohol and put it back in its designated place"

Specify Additional Information You Want Included

If there's other information you want added to the manual, specifying it will help expand the content accordingly.

Add Specific Steps

  • "Please list the necessary materials in the first step"
  • "Please include seeking help from a superior when in doubt"
  • "After cooking, disinfect the knife with alcohol and put it back in its designated place"
  • "Please introduce near-miss incidents caused by similar reasons"
  • "As preventive measures are often uninteresting to staff, please include some side notes to make it more engaging"

Increase Information Within Steps

  • "Please include the estimated time required for each step's task"
  • "For difficult words or phrases, please add a * and include an explanation at the end of the step"
  • "Please include examples of effective images for each step in parentheses"
  • "Please include English text alongside"
  • "If there seems to be relevant information on the web, please suggest links to include"

Increase Steps Meeting Specified Conditions

  • "If there are any precautions or tips, please add them as an additional step"
  • "If there are things staff should be careful about to avoid later complaints, please include them"
  • "If there are things beginners should be cautious about, please add an extra step explaining them"

Examples of Increasing Task or Explanation Patterns

  • "Please provide separate 3-step approaches for engaging with each main customer type in a supermarket"
  • "Let's divide the 3 steps into: making them want to listen, sparking interest, and increasing purchase intent"

By including conditions like those mentioned above, you can increase the amount of information in the manual.
Including multiple conditions often results in a more optimal manual output, but too many conditions may cause errors or increase processing time.

If the Above Methods Don't Solve the Issue

There may be other solutions that can resolve the issue.
Please try the method that best matches your requirements and output results from the following page.

▼ Summary of solutions for when 'Teachme AI' Text Pro fails to generate drafts effectively.